Stand by for a zoom panel on this topic soon..
Insurance worries us, be it from the perspective of animal lovers, hospitals, welfarists, government. Or even (yuck) breeders. What are the ramifications, issues on implementation, actuarial structure, claims, fraud and most important - animal health? It worries me also that since pets and animals are considered property, the focus has been earlier livestock oriented - and on loss of income and death. One of the reasons why pet parents avoid the discussion of insurance I guess- but that is certainly not how it should be. The Western markets particularly UK have a sophisticated and well fleshed out pet insurance framework that benefits all, and also ensures that pet health is handled on a preventive basis, which is what is needed.
Worried or not, insurance is here to stay, so we might as well try and understand how this works, what we should petition against, what we should emphasise and how we can benefit pets and parents to live happy and healthy years of companionship together. In addition, more companies who look at the vast expanding pet market and ,market research, realise the potential of this growing market which is fuelled by the growing cohort of pet parents not pet owners.
So perhaps panel discussion this June with hospital owners like Cessna/BPH, vets, financial experts, SPCA and animal lovers would help get some insights . Stand by for a zoom panel on this ...
Here are some links that give more details as well as insurer names
Some pet insurance companies I saw on the net are :
New India insurance
National insurance
Oriental insurance
United India insurance
Future general insurance
Toffy insurance
Go digit insurance
Bajaj Allianz insurance