KAWB 2024 Committee still not constituted , AWBI
High Court issues notice to GoK, Union Govt & AHVS on shifting of 28 AHVS Vet clinics
First time Kambala in Bangalore - KAWB to step up .Blr Mirror
KAWB Support for Upcoming Kambala festival in Karnataka
Provision for adequate medical supplies at AHVS Govt Vet Clinics
AWBI Law Enforcement Manual for State Police
Lack of action, implementation & specific plans on Breeding Laws (DBM17) and Pet Shop Rules (PSR19)
KAWB - Enough already. Breeders & Pets Shops MUST have a license or shut down.
Overdue - Ensure vets enforce PCA
Stray Dog Free Bangalore- Press conference from AHVS Minister
#AnimalWelfare Sensitisation & Training for Judicial Officers
Action on Dumped dogs needed at Queens & Hebbal Vet Hospitals
Animal Welfare related judgments/advisories for March 22 -FIAPO
SPCA Cruelty Complaint Templates
SPCA Process Changes Needed
Drained - Heartbreaking Suffering for the Street Dogs & Caretakers
BBMP Compensation for Stray Dog Attack as per 2015 Guidelines
Chat with Gauri Maulekhi - The Nuts & Bolts of AW
FIAPO response on the High Court comment on Cubbon Park dogs