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2020 Citizen Feedback on BBMP-Animal Husbandry

*2020 for BBMP-AH*

BBMP Animal Husbandry Division with its overarching focus on Health via Animal ABC and ARV has a tough and uphill job. However it also has an incredible cohort of animal lovers, passionate and quick to complain, but also quick to partner and assist in creating systems. Citizna have been working closely with BBMP headed by Mr D Randeep, Special Commissioner and JD (then Dr Shashi Kumar) Dr Lakshminarayan. A visioning prices of imagining what success looks like, helped on building a macro picture and an inspirational start.

In a quick summary, CJMT and we citizens looked back at the year, to do an analysis of what was BBMP's Progress Report in 2020 and what could have been done better. What we found to our pleasant surprise was a plethora of good initiatives, while of course much work in progress is also needed.

The Positives

  1. 8 fully functioning ABC zones, finally. Great job.

  2. Better implemented ABC SOPs

  3. Informed, rock solid, ethical, committed ABC Partners, open to learn & improve

  4. Responsive, increasingly compassionate Zonal AD’s working in close tandem with their community and ABC partner. Proactive focus on results

  5. Clearer metrics on ABV, ARV, training programs etc . Better transparency.

  6. Lower clashing/complaints with animal feeders & rescuers thanks to FB group CABC reporting and due to escalation mechanism via the BBMP WhatsApp Monitoring community. Good systems in place and far greater collaboration

  7. NO cases of relocation and culling under BBMP’s knowledge in 2020

  8. Extraordinary Covid response., support of feeders and shelters, running of the first of its kind civic Streetie feeding programs , personal involvement of AD’s and ABC teams in zonal feeding, a preemptive circular to stop pet abandonment in Covid, rescue of suffering caged animals from pet shops, - and many others. Outstanding, compassionate and very much appreciated. The BBMP AH Team stood tall during Covid

  9. The first Rabies Helpline for Bangalore, in response to a specific citizen group request from CABC where all deals were mutually thrashed out, back end details with autopsy, care , partners later selected, etc . It will save lives and is perhaps only the second dedicated Rabies Helpline India. Talk about walking the talk and demonstration of care for human life, animal and communities.

  10. Better metrics using the street dogs census data in addition to leveraging the WVS mapping technology for ARV

  11. An ability to work in close partnership with Expert organisations and NGOs to benefit and get results for Blr City - Mission Rabies, WVS, Dr Isloor, KAWB, AHVS, all NGOS to pool cases. Monitoring Committee insistence on Training of BBMP AD's at WVS Goa was good as it brought bureaucrat vets up to speed. Earlier training for ABC Vets as suggested by citizens was also good.

  12. Commandeering AHVS Queens Super Vet Hospital as a site for ABC East, and quickly leveraging ABC numbers. That is Agility!

  13. Moving from a passive partner to having a landmark circular to protect, partner and support streeties poisoned, injured or killed, help file FIR’s with AD’s help. Unheard of, and possibly a first in India

  14. Several cases of rescue done by BBMP AD's and ABC Teams. A touching case of a community dog rescued by ABC East Zone VSAWRD Manager and team made headlines.

  15. BBMP being protector of our beloved streeties suddenly became a real, sincere and POSITIVE thing.

  16. BBMP AD/JD stepping up on cruelty or breeder cases beyond their remit showing genuine concern for animals.

  17. Earlier Trust Defecit with Animal Lovers addressed with open WhatsApp group, dialogue, dedication, common vision and action orientation

  18. BBMP AD’s stepping up strongly to support animal lovers on every case reported, be it apartment Streetie relocation or RWA - by personally stepping in with community, explaining the stringent AW rules. Incredible demonstration of citizen partnership.

  19. Rewarding of Covid Streetie feeders by a certificate and reimbursement

  20. Openness in setting up a separate CD facility, and looking at van rescue options. Holistic view of community and understanding the health of the dog’s and their territory.

Things to improve:

  1. Very delayed payments for vendors

  2. Better metrics and transparency - monthly data up on website

  3. SOPs , checks on centers need to be increased

  4. More focus on rescue and shelters. Overdue rescue vans promised needed

  5. More openness on ABC centers and staff - some centers need a major overhaul & expansion

  6. Better leverage of existing BBMP facilities like Victorial Layout etc

  7. No redundancy or back up on ABC Partners, space or tenders

  8. Lax management and prevention of CD outbreaks at ABC Centers

We have missed so many other good things but its good to know now that the receptive BBMP-AH Team has walked a long and significant mile together, the street dogs are top priority, and we as your citizen partners, are proud.

We also know the best is yet to come!

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